
Saturday, October 16, 2010

Workshop II and me....

It's been a long time since I've last written in this blog, I guess, last time is during the exam weeks of last semester. Well, now its nearly towards the end of this semester. And, OMG, i just can't believe it, I'm in my 3rd year already. Next semester will be my final semester in university, then next is practical and DAHM, real world. I guess need sometime to actually accept the fact that I'll be finishing my study soon. 

Regarding the title of this post, workshop 2 is pre-requirement for our faculty before we can proceed to our final year project. In this workshop, we need to work in group of 4 student to develop a system which have 4 different DBMS. And to make the matter worse, we need to use 2 OS environment which make life feel like hell. 
For my part, I've choosen PostgreSQL as my DBMS and Linux Ubuntu as my OS.
All I can say is, now I can write a book for beginner in Ubuntu with faulty hardware.

My Ubuntu keep on crashing for the whole of the semester. I keep formatting the laptop, till last week. When I'm finally realize that I couldn't keep on formatting the laptop and re-do my work. And after whopping out RM 72. I have brand new 1 GB RAM and stable Ubuntu (& Fedora) laptop.

Now, I'm procrastinating on my works because I actually have fed up doing all the assignment and feel like saying f**k off to all of them.

Right now I need to refresh my self before continuing my works on the workshop II.

Till next time... ( which is probably soon)

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