
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Year Two Thousand and Thirteen

2013 calender on my desk
The first post in 2013, on 58th day or page 58 of 2013 or 27th February. The last post I made was in August 2012. Long time ago it seem and for sure, a lot of things had happened. I made few draft for posts, but I'm just to lazy to type it. I've even drafted this post in my head, somehow I've misplaced the idea. I've wanted to write about my personal achievements, failures and dreams, but that would be too revealing to this world. I might accidently slandering some people if I want to talk about all those things that happen. I'm going to try my best to avoid that.

2012; I see the year as my process of recovering and journey in finding myself. I re-learn how to love myself and heal my soul. I've also cutting off all the bad branches I made in life. Those were very toxic to me. I'm glad that I realized it, before it is too late.

On the journey of finding myself, I tried everything that I love and wanted to do. Doing it for few weeks and assesing whether I'm comfortable with it or I'm done with it for good. I expended my horizon. Seeing my surrounding in new point of view.

Recovering somehow put me in position of a loner, not having social live. For the year 2013, I hope I can get back to my social life and gaining back my confidence.

I push myself to make this post because I want to stop procrastinating. Its a habit that I badly need to get rid off. It perhaps giving me sometimes to explore my dream and creativity, but somewhere along the way, I required more time to finish my task.

YEAR 2013,
image source: the internet

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