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This post title sounded wrong, I just doesn't know how to put it in other way. So I just let it be. This is my blog and I can do whatever I want with it. And, regarding to the post title, it just about me, looking back down the road I have chosen to travel on. I know I shouldn't looking back, nope, I think everyone should look back and sometimes taking U-Turn. One thing that I realize is that I have no regrets. I used to be so bitter, yet I found an outlet in writing to heal myself. I slowly letting go and begin to dream again. I enjoy being a dreamer. It is something that people barely do nowadays. To dream.
The more you read...
I read a lot. I think everyone read. I stay away from newspaper though. I only gather what is happening in the world around from talks with family and friends. Basically, I read a lot of cooking books and novels. I also read some article website. Sometimes, I think about reading academic books, but I stopped myself. Enough of hypothesis and theory. I need to feed the artistic side of me, which I have neglected for so long. I think I'm gonna post some book review in this blog. I have LJ blog for that purpose, but I feel that maybe I should cross-post some of it to this blog. I hope I can manage sometime for that.
The satisfaction...
I'm not a millionaire (yet), but I feel deeply satisfied with what I do now. Creating food. I bake and bake and bake. The moment the cake in the oven began to rise and forming dome, that probably the best moment. One of the best feeling in the world. Then the smell of the caramel, as if the cake is already melted in your mouth. I kinda get the existence of food pron blog. Cooking and baking are crafts that I want to master.
Writing and Blogging, Seriously...
I'm not a great writer. I get writer's block all the time. My grammar is just on the acceptable level. Juggling with three languages, I think I've manage to grasp the general usage of English language. I still check the dictionary from time to time. Reading some grammar books. But, of course, I realize, the only way I can improve is to use it more often. Blogging the perfect tool for this. I'm thinking of buying domain name and dedicated a little bit more time for writing in the blog. I can't escape it. My subconscious always nag me to write. But I procrastinate, all the time. I also thinking about starting another blog for my interest in baking and also craft. But that is just a plan. I need to be a dedicated writer for this blog and also for my several neglected blog. It's about time, this Queen of Procrastination to step down from the throne.
Music and Silent...
I'm a K-pop fan. Or a retired K-Pop fan, since I barely know about anything that happen in K-Pop fandom verse anymore. But I didn't stop listening to music. I search for the music that I find interesting. Something that is consistent with my muse. My current favorite is Marina and The Diamonds. I love this girl. I love the songs. I especially love the lyrics. Realistic lyrics that punch in the gut. The metaphor and the hyperbole. The symbolism. Maybe I over-analyze everything. But yeah, analyzing things distract me from reality. And, reality sucks.
Body image and smooth skin...
I need to lose weight. A common problem in this modern world. I don't believe in dieting though. Maybe I'll just keep on dreaming on having the ideal body weight. NOT. Being overweight is hard, especially when dealing with the strain being put on the knees and ankles. I just need a little bit more of the motivation. And, the smooth skin. I barely wash my face. But I did bought a jar of moisturizing cream. Korean brand, Holika Holika. I think the water that I drink is not enough to moisture my skin. So far, there are no allergic reaction, so I'll probably stick with this moisturizing cream for a while.
The summary...
Life is full of surprises. I have learn how to enjoy this life. Its now always full of happiness but it is now also full of sadness and bitterness. The are a little bit of each. A balanced amount of each. One can truly enjoy and appreciate happiness once he/she experienced sadness and bitterness. Life is a journey.
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