Trying to accept the challenge, here I am again, posting another random muse of mine. I'm actually thankful that it crossed my mind to make a post based on something that happen to me like, just now.
It's about email. My excessive email accounts. I think every single person that is computer, technology and internet literate have email account. I bet it is more than one. Like, for personal, for profesional, for second life, for stalking and for spam. Like, don't ever try to deny this. This is the reality for internet user.
I confess, I don't even remember what is my first email account. But, I do remember it was a Yahoo account. Google was just a toddler back then. Then, I adopted the hotmail account during college, and finally the Gmail when I was about to enter uni. That was just about three. But it should be more. It supposed to be two email account for each service provider, so I basically have six email account. And, up till present, I probably have more than 20 email accounts, and still counting.
While I was checking my email(s) accounts, I found out that some of them doesn't exist anymore. I panicked, since I have LJ and tumblr account (which I care a lot) registered using those accounts. They just disappear. Perhaps, Microsoft decided to delete my accounts due to inactivity, or because the account name are just too childish to be owned by a real person. I don't even want to think about my personal MSN account that I use to chat with some of my friends. Maybe Microsoft have decided to delete those as well. I can only hope they don't.
While panicking, first thing that come to my mind was to create a new gmail account and update the LJ account with the new email. But creating a new gmail account seem to be a pain in the behind. My phone numbers was needed for verification, which is quite intrusive for me. I don't even give my phone to my family members, why should I give it to Google. I finally understand why one of my online friend freaked out when I suggest her to create a gmail account, so that I can chat with her through gchat. Phone numbers are sensitive and private, because in this modern day, technology have peel down our armor. We can reach almost anyone and everyone.
I still haven't figure out the conclusion for this post, since I just want to vent out my frustration with those email accounts. And yeah, email me. I don't answer phone call or reply text messages anymore.
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Friday, August 16, 2013
A Challenge For Ai
After reading and reading and thinking and thinking and reflecting, I want to challenge myself to blog seriously. As in, writing at least two blogposts per day in specific topic. In this blog, I've post random things, whatever that crossed my mind at any given time when I was struck by the writing bug. I want to write more. But, yeah, I'm still on my Procrastination Queen seat. Somehow, I'm slowly stepping down, because real life is knocking hard somewhere.
So, here I am, challenging myself to write at least three blogposts per day, for about two weeks. If I could do it, I'll officially buy a domain name or two and start blogging in subject that I'm most passionate about. It's a hard thing to do, since I'm passionate about lots of things in my current stage of life. There are so many things that I can write about, but I need to focus. This blog probably gonna be where I write things that I can't put in specific focus.
I also need to get back to social media. I haven't login to my twitter for nearly a year. My Facebook, hah, I just login today, since my cousin asked me for a recipe. I think social media is a great way to reach out to audience, but I'm somewhat spooked off with the unlimited information sharing by those who are quite active in those social media. I stopped myself from falling into social media addiction. I don't want to over-share my life with everyone. Just a thing or three is probably fine, but everything is way too much.
I also need to remind myself not to get discourage by my bad writing and grammar mistakes. It will get better with more writing and reading. I'm not perfect, yet, at least I've tried to be better. And now, I need to search the internet for things that caught my interests and maybe inspire me to write from there. Good luck Ai.
Saturday, June 8, 2013
The Journey So Far
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This post title sounded wrong, I just doesn't know how to put it in other way. So I just let it be. This is my blog and I can do whatever I want with it. And, regarding to the post title, it just about me, looking back down the road I have chosen to travel on. I know I shouldn't looking back, nope, I think everyone should look back and sometimes taking U-Turn. One thing that I realize is that I have no regrets. I used to be so bitter, yet I found an outlet in writing to heal myself. I slowly letting go and begin to dream again. I enjoy being a dreamer. It is something that people barely do nowadays. To dream.
The more you read...
I read a lot. I think everyone read. I stay away from newspaper though. I only gather what is happening in the world around from talks with family and friends. Basically, I read a lot of cooking books and novels. I also read some article website. Sometimes, I think about reading academic books, but I stopped myself. Enough of hypothesis and theory. I need to feed the artistic side of me, which I have neglected for so long. I think I'm gonna post some book review in this blog. I have LJ blog for that purpose, but I feel that maybe I should cross-post some of it to this blog. I hope I can manage sometime for that.
The satisfaction...
I'm not a millionaire (yet), but I feel deeply satisfied with what I do now. Creating food. I bake and bake and bake. The moment the cake in the oven began to rise and forming dome, that probably the best moment. One of the best feeling in the world. Then the smell of the caramel, as if the cake is already melted in your mouth. I kinda get the existence of food pron blog. Cooking and baking are crafts that I want to master.
Writing and Blogging, Seriously...
I'm not a great writer. I get writer's block all the time. My grammar is just on the acceptable level. Juggling with three languages, I think I've manage to grasp the general usage of English language. I still check the dictionary from time to time. Reading some grammar books. But, of course, I realize, the only way I can improve is to use it more often. Blogging the perfect tool for this. I'm thinking of buying domain name and dedicated a little bit more time for writing in the blog. I can't escape it. My subconscious always nag me to write. But I procrastinate, all the time. I also thinking about starting another blog for my interest in baking and also craft. But that is just a plan. I need to be a dedicated writer for this blog and also for my several neglected blog. It's about time, this Queen of Procrastination to step down from the throne.
Music and Silent...
I'm a K-pop fan. Or a retired K-Pop fan, since I barely know about anything that happen in K-Pop fandom verse anymore. But I didn't stop listening to music. I search for the music that I find interesting. Something that is consistent with my muse. My current favorite is Marina and The Diamonds. I love this girl. I love the songs. I especially love the lyrics. Realistic lyrics that punch in the gut. The metaphor and the hyperbole. The symbolism. Maybe I over-analyze everything. But yeah, analyzing things distract me from reality. And, reality sucks.
Body image and smooth skin...
I need to lose weight. A common problem in this modern world. I don't believe in dieting though. Maybe I'll just keep on dreaming on having the ideal body weight. NOT. Being overweight is hard, especially when dealing with the strain being put on the knees and ankles. I just need a little bit more of the motivation. And, the smooth skin. I barely wash my face. But I did bought a jar of moisturizing cream. Korean brand, Holika Holika. I think the water that I drink is not enough to moisture my skin. So far, there are no allergic reaction, so I'll probably stick with this moisturizing cream for a while.
The summary...
Life is full of surprises. I have learn how to enjoy this life. Its now always full of happiness but it is now also full of sadness and bitterness. The are a little bit of each. A balanced amount of each. One can truly enjoy and appreciate happiness once he/she experienced sadness and bitterness. Life is a journey.
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
The Year Two Thousand and Thirteen
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2012; I see the year as my process of recovering and journey in finding myself. I re-learn how to love myself and heal my soul. I've also cutting off all the bad branches I made in life. Those were very toxic to me. I'm glad that I realized it, before it is too late.
On the journey of finding myself, I tried everything that I love and wanted to do. Doing it for few weeks and assesing whether I'm comfortable with it or I'm done with it for good. I expended my horizon. Seeing my surrounding in new point of view.
Recovering somehow put me in position of a loner, not having social live. For the year 2013, I hope I can get back to my social life and gaining back my confidence.
I push myself to make this post because I want to stop procrastinating. Its a habit that I badly need to get rid off. It perhaps giving me sometimes to explore my dream and creativity, but somewhere along the way, I required more time to finish my task.
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